How To Make The Best Ice Cream Topping Recipe - Spiced Nuts

We know you love to eat Revival ice cream on its own, but there's something to be said about adding a delicious ice cream topping to the mix. Toppings add textures and flavors that mix with the ice cream, creating a brand new taste experience. Whether it's a glob of toasted marshmallow fluff or a gooey sauce, we are here for it.
It's no surprise that nuts are one of the top three ice cream topping choices in the United States (behind chocolate chips and hot fudge). We love to add nuts to our scoops, and flavors like Chocolate Nuts and Fluff have them built right in!
Not only do nuts taste delicious, but they are good for your heart, too! They are full of omega -3 fatty acids and we always suggest using organic and sprouted nuts for easier digestion.
Our creative production team has created a few spiced nut recipes for you, so you can take your ice cream topping game to a whole new level! Try them on your favorite Revival ice cream flavor and let us know what you think! (Tag us on Instagram: @revivalicecream)
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