(Please allow 72 hours to fulfill your on-line order.)
3 Pints of our 100% Handcrafted Ice Cream - you choose the flavors!
Choose from our Signature flavors: Bee’s Knees®, Banana Caramel, Dark Chocolate, Milk and Cookies, Eucalyptus Mint Chip, Vanilla, Chocolate Nuts & Fluff, Dairy Free Bee's Knees®, Vegan Peanut Butter Chip, Vegan Passionfruit Mango, Vegan Pistachio
Our ice cream is made with only the freshest ingredients, and produce obtained from local farmers. We do not use any artificial ingredients. We have vegan and dairy free flavors, too!
(Must be picked up within 7 days of order date.)
(we are not a certified nut, egg or wheat free facility. If you have a severe food allergy please take precautions)